Solar Blockchain Foundation

The Foundation

The Solar Blockchain Foundation is a non-profit organisation established in Estonia that focuses on creating a blockchain ecosystem with open-source developers and community involvement.

The Solar Blockchain offers a wide variety of features and tools that allows us to level with enterprise-grade applications.

Discover our ecosystem by joining the community or by becoming part of the foundation.

Solar is for everyone.

Click here to learn more about the transition from Swipe (SXP) to Solar (SXP) mainnet.

View Roadmap

Solar is a decentralised project launched by Swipe (SXP) with a mission and vision set by the founders of Swipechain.
Solar will continue to improve on this mission and vision influenced by the community, the future market and technological demands.

Join the Solar Blockchain Foundation

Our mission is not to control the Solar Blockchain or becoming the only organisation to fund critical Solar-related technologies.
Our mission is to guide the Solar Blockchain with the original vision from Swipechain.
Similar to the Ethereum Foundation, our ecosystem is designed to provide both financial and technical support to projects and entities within the greater Solar community, in order to accelerate the growth of the ecosystem.

Becoming an official member of the foundation allows you to collaborate with like-minded people and support the mission and vision of the Solar Blockchain Foundation.

Click on the button below to learn more and apply for a position with the Solar Blockchain Foundation.

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